Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Jopson Field Getting Facelift

Joe Lemire reported in the Daily News-Record on Monday, May 22, that Bridgewater's Jopson Field would be re-soded with Patriot Bermuda grass.

According to the Web site of its grower, Oakwood Sod Farm, Inc., this kind of grass has exellent cold hardiness and overall high turf quality.

"We should have a first-class playing surface," BC football coach Michael Clark said.

April 28:
Jopson Field - late April
May 26:
Jopson Field - May 26
July 11:
Jopson Field - July 11


At 2:29 PM, May 25, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would have rather have turf or lights,besides we'll be in big trouble next flood.Turf,lights,or bermuda grass.

At 9:47 PM, May 25, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The new field turf is overrated; I would much rather play on and watch a game being played on grass than something manmade. The climate at Bridgewater is suitable for having natural grass; not too wet and not too cold. I believe if a flood ever reoccurred the field turf would need some repairs as well, its not indestructable. The field definately needed resoded, but lights for night games would make a magical atmosphere at Jopson. This topic has been discussed ad nauseum on however.

At 10:32 AM, May 26, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My only concern will be if the grass will have a long enough time to root itself or not. I can still remember watching CNU play on their new field after it had just been resoded the previous spring. It was coming up in huge chunks. Grass is better than turf, I just hope it's ready for the home opener.

At 2:23 PM, May 26, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being a football official and having worked on both surfaces, Field Turf is wonderful. In my opinion, the most important issue surrounding any new natural turf is its maintenance. Without dilligent attention to its upkeep, and restricting its use when overly wet, any new grass field will revert back to pre-sod condition.... If the maintenance has gotten better over the years, then a natural sod field may be the ticket... but I remember when it was not.

At 3:16 PM, May 26, 2006, Blogger kid said...

I got to talk with Kevin Moore, who is overseeing the field project, and he said that the field should be done by the beginning of August.

He also said the project will cost around $20,000. Virginia Tech and Purdue just planted the same field turf in their football stadiums.

I posted a picture-update above. I'll continue to post pictures as it progresses.

At 4:41 PM, May 31, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i've been told by someone who knows a lot about grass (not snoop dogg) that there's no way the bermuda grass will have the appropriate weather to take root and grow before the season starts... i hope for bridgewater's sake that he's not right. but if anyone would know about this particular situation, he would.

At 8:40 AM, June 02, 2006, Blogger kid said...

It was brought to my attention that there is a pretty informative read on Virginia Tech installing the same turf on their field, in the Roanoke Times newspaper today.

Here is a link to the article;

At 4:08 PM, June 12, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It sure is wierd that there are already three established bermudagrass athletic fields at Bridgewater and everyone thinks that the football field isnt going to make it. Patriot bermuda has been established at Bridgewater for over a year now. The only thing there is to worry about is how we are going to keep the Patriot from overtaking the Shennandoah Valley.

At 7:19 PM, July 19, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

how is the field coming along


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